
Mechthild Brenner

Precise Physical Work in Small Groups

Yoga according to B.K.S. Iyengar is precise, anatomically correct and individually supervised work with the body. We make use of props such as belts, blocks, cushions and also the wall as aids.

Precision of body alignment is important to me, whereby I take into account the physical capabilities of each participant. For this reason I prefer to work in small groups or individually. As aids in strengthening the asanas we employ props, so that the personal alignment and necessary effort are experienced more intensely.

These props also help in passive training to relieve unconscious tensions and to attain a deeper relaxation.

Mechthild Brenner

Yoga Precisely!

The precise performance of asanas in Iyengar yoga has fascinated me right from the beginning. After my very first lesson in this tradition I knew: This is it!

Since then I have continued to take yoga classes, and since 2005 I have been qualified as a teacher.

My certification as Iyengar instructor was completed at the Sebastian-Kneipp-Academy in 2010. The training took four years and included more than 800 hours in the fields of asana practice, anatomy, philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. I continue to train with well-known experts.

Mechthild Brenner

7:45-9:15 p.m., Wiesbaden

The classes take place on Tuesdays, beginning at 7:45 p.m. for 90 minutes at Oranienstrasse 31, 65185 Wiesbaden.

Trial class (90 minutes):   free
monthly fee:   50 Euros
Ticket for 10 classes
(10 x 90 minutes):
  150 Euros (valid for 6 months)
Single ticket (90 minutes):   18 Euros

Individual private training is possible.

Mechthild Brenner

Easy to reach

Commonyoga, Oranienstraße 31, 65185 Wiesbaden
Contact: Mechthild Brenner Phone: 0179 2010611

Mechthild Brenner